

CCC new regulations: Since January 1, 2024, CCC certification will fully implement electronic certification!

Author:中认联科 time:2023-08-22 Ctr:472

Recently, official website, the General Administration of Market Supervision, issued the Announcement of China Certification and Accreditation Administration on Improving the Management of Compulsory Product Certification Certificates and Marks, which put forward new requirements for the management of CCC certification certificates and marks, and the contents of the Announcement came into effect on January 1, 2024.


The contents of the announcement are as follows:

First, CCC certification fully implements the electronic certification certificate; If the certification client needs it, the certification institution will issue an additional paper certification certificate. The issued valid paper authentication certificate can continue to be used, and it will naturally transition to electronic authentication certificate by means of change, expiration and replacement. Paper authentication certificate and electronic authentication certificate have the same legal effect.

2. The production and use of CCC certification certificates and marks shall conform to the Management Requirements for Compulsory Product Certification Certificates and Compulsory Product Certification Marks.

This announcement shall come into force as of January 1, 2024. The "Management Requirements for Adding Compulsory Product Certification Marks" issued by Announcement No.10 of CNCA in 2018 shall be abolished at the same time.

What is CCC certification?

The so-called CCC certification is China's compulsory product certification system, the English name is China Compulsory Certification, and the English abbreviation is CCC (referred to as 3C certification). As the national safety certification (CCEE), import safety and quality licensing system (CCIB) and China electromagnetic compatibility certification (EMC), "CCC" authoritative certification is an advanced symbol of China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the National Certification and Accreditation Administration, which has irreplaceable importance. All products listed in the compulsory product certification catalogue shall not be imported, sold in the factory or used in business service places without obtaining the certification certificate of the designated certification body and adding the certification mark according to the regulations. It should be noted that CCC mark is not a quality mark, but only the most basic safety certification.

Benefits of applying for 3C certification

1, the domestic market pass

Products in the mandatory catalogue must be CCC certified before they can be sold (product e-commerce information needs to be put on the shelves)!

2. Enhance the competitive advantage

User recognition, enhancing customer confidence, shaping corporate image and increasing popularity are conducive to gaining greater market share.

3. Reduce production risks

CCC certification is issued by an authoritative organization, and through strict inspection, it brings direct economic benefits to both sides of trade and effectively saves costs.

4, standardize production standards

CCC certification mark is an important expression of corporate culture and quality culture, which is not only a material achievement, but also the crystallization of corporate culture.

CCC certification process

1. Application acceptance

After the CQC application is accepted successfully, the enterprise sends an acceptance notice to the applicant, informing the applicant to send or send relevant documents and materials.

2. Data review

CQC examines the applicant's data and informs the applicant to send samples to the testing organization.

3. Sample receiving for sample delivery

The applicant sends the sample to the designated testing institution. After the sample is accepted, the testing organization fills in the sample testing schedule and reports it to CQC, and the sample testing officially begins.

4. Sample testing

After the sample test, the testing organization will send the test report and other materials to CQC.

5. Factory review

For applications requiring factory review, the inspection office organizes factory review.

6, conformity assessment

The CQC certification engineer makes a preliminary evaluation of the applicant's task. The qualified appraisers re-evaluate the above results.

7. Certificate approval

CQC issues certificates.

8. Printing, receiving, sending and management of certificates

After receiving the certificate, the applicant shall manage it according to relevant requirements.

Warm tips

ZRLK has been focusing on the testing and certification of consumer electronic and electrical products for 18 years, always paying attention to the changes of laws and regulations in various countries, and providing customers with one-stop testing and certification services to ensure that your products enter the target market quickly. If you want to know more about CCC certification requirements or have products that need CCC certification, please feel free to contact us, and our engineers will serve you as soon as possible!

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