

Smart bracelet battery UN38.3 certification guide

Author:中认联科 time:2024-08-28 Ctr:88

As an important part of modern scientific and technological products, smart bracelets have become an indispensable small assistant in our lives. It not only provides convenient health monitoring, but also enhances the intelligent experience of daily life. However, the safety of smart band batteries has always been a major concern for users, especially during transportation. UN38.3 certification is an international safety standard set up to solve this problem.


What is UN38.3 Certification?

UN38.3 is an important international standard for the transportation safety of lithium batteries. This certification mainly focuses on the various situations that lithium batteries may encounter during transportation, such as short circuit, overcharge, drop, etc., to ensure that the battery will not be dangerous in these cases. The purpose of this certification is to reduce the potential safety risks caused by battery transportation and protect the safety of consumers and transportation personnel.

When applying for UN38.3 certification, manufacturers should prepare the following information:

1, battery technical documents, including battery specifications and design drawings.

2. Battery sample for testing and verification.

3. Relevant safety test reports and test data.

4, production and quality control records to prove product consistency and stability.

UN38.3 Authentication Application Process

1. Data preparation: Collect and prepare all necessary technical documents and samples mentioned above.

2, choose a certification body: choose a qualified certification body to apply.

3, testing and evaluation: the certification body will conduct a series of safety tests on the battery to ensure that it meets the UN38.3 standard.

4, report review: After the test is completed, the certification body will review the results and issue a certification report.

5, certificate issuance: After the audit is passed, the institution will issue UN38.3 certification certificate.


UN38.3 Benefits of certification

Through the UN38.3 certification, the smart bracelet battery can not only meet international transportation standards, but also significantly improve the market competitiveness of the product. Certification demonstrates the safety of the product during transportation, reduces potential legal risks, and increases consumer trust. In addition, it is one of the necessary conditions to enter the international market.

UN38.3 certification is an important standard for the safety and compliance of smart bracelet batteries. If your product requires this certification, please contact us and ZRLK will provide you with professional certification services.

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