

Why can't the balance car battery capacity exceed 500WH get CB certification?

Author:中认联科 time:2024-08-29 Ctr:70

As a popular means of personal transportation, the safety and performance of the battery of the balance car is of Paramount importance. CB certification is an internationally recognized electrical product safety certification system designed to ensure that products comply with international safety standards. However, for balance car batteries with a battery capacity of more than 500WH, they may face CB certification restrictions.

1. Certification standards restrictions

CB certification is mainly based on IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards. For cells and battery packs, especially those with larger capacities (such as those over 500WH), IEC standards may not cover all possible safety risks. These standards are mainly applicable to smaller capacity batteries, and for large capacity batteries, existing standards may not be sufficient to fully assess their potential risks and safety.

2. Security risks

Large capacity batteries (more than 500WH) may involve higher safety risks during battery design, manufacturing, and use, such as overcharge, short circuit, overheating, and physical damage. Current CB certification standards may not be adequately tested and evaluated for these high-risk scenarios and may not effectively ensure the safety of high-capacity batteries.

3. The certification process is complex

For high-capacity batteries, the certification process is often more complex and rigorous. In addition to the safety test of the battery itself, it is also necessary to consider the thermal management of the battery, overload protection, the design of the battery system and other factors. The CB certification system may not have established complete testing and certification procedures in these aspects, resulting in high-capacity batteries difficult to pass certification.


Batteries with batteries exceeding 500WH May not be able to pass CB certification, mainly due to the inadequacy of the current CB certification standard in terms of safety testing and certification procedures for large-capacity batteries. If you need certification services for balanced vehicle batteries, you can contact a professional certification body, ZRLK provides professional certification consulting and services to help your products meet the compliance requirements of the international market, to ensure that the product is fully compliant in safety and performance.

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