

SRRC Certification for Bluetooth Selfie——ZRLK

Author:中认联科 time:2021-06-16 Ctr:1461

As the camera technology of mobile phones becomes more and more powerful, selfies have become a habit of most people, and the emergence of Bluetooth self-timers has brought great convenience to the public who love to take pictures, but generally this kind of Bluetooth Products that want to be sold in the domestic market need to apply for SRRC certification.

What is SRRC certification?

The Chinese Model Approval is abbreviated as SRRC certification, which is a national compulsory certification designed to distinguish between the civilian band and the military band in the wireless band. It is the technical management of the spectrum parameters and technical indicators of the radio transmission equipment before it is put into use in the development, production, import, and purchase links. Starting from June 1, 1999, radio component products sold and used in China must obtain radio type approval certification. Domestically produced, sold and used radio transmission equipment must be type approved, and the approval certificate and type approval code must be issued, and the type approval code must be indicated on the label of the factory equipment.


Information to be prepared for SRRC certification of Bluetooth Selfie

1. The application form for the approval of the radio transmission equipment model requires the signature and seal of the corporate legal person

2. The power of attorney for the approval of the radio transmission model requires the signature and seal of the corporate legal person

3. Instruction manual, technical manual, circuit schematic diagram, PCB board diagram, bit number diagram

4. Description of RF line attenuation, description of antenna gain

5. Drivers and software (if you need to provide computer control, please provide)

6. Photos of the equipment (6 side photos, front and back of the main board, remove the shielding cover, reflect the application unit, equipment name, equipment model, equipment serial number, structure size, CMIIT ID

7. The business license of the enterprise legal person needs to be stamped, and the company's information (production capacity, technical strength, quality control) needs to be stamped

8. The copy of the quality management system certificate is the ISO certificate, and the annual production status table of radio enterprises (not required for Guangdong Province and foreign enterprises)

SRRC Certification and Inspection Requirements for Bluetooth Selfie

1. The inspection basis and reference standard for radio transmission equipment type approval (SRRC certification) testing;

2. The tested equipment model should have test procedures, methods, standards, conditions, test connection block diagrams, special test accessories and the latest test report (copies or copies are acceptable);

3. If the transmitting port of the tested device is a non-standard interface, it is necessary to provide the test connection cable of the tested device and the text or chart basis of the cable attenuation value stamped with the company's seal;

4. If necessary, the applicant unit must send engineering and technical personnel to cooperate with the test;

5. If one of the equipment submitted by the applicant is unqualified after the inspection, the second sampling or re-inspection of the sample is allowed. If more than two (including two) of the sampled samples are unqualified after the inspection, The second sampling will not be carried out, and the product will be judged as unqualified; if there is still more than one unqualified product after the second inspection, it will be judged as unqualified product.

Bluetooth Selfie SRRC Certification Process

1. Both parties sign a contract

2. Send samples, fill in the information, and arrange the down payment

3. Review the information

4. Arrange to test in the laboratory, if the test is unqualified, rectification is required

5. A draft report will be issued after passing the test

6. Confirm that it is correct, and issue a formal report and submit it to the committee for review and certification

7. Pay the balance and report to the official certificate


Please contact our company ZRLK for SRRC certification of Bluetooth Selfie. We will provide you with professional and efficient testing and certification services at competitive prices and courteous service. If you provide us with product pictures and specifications, we will give us the corresponding cycle, quotation and specific plan according to your product. Welcome to inquire!

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