

Notice! GB 24427-2021 "Restrictions on the Content of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead in Zinc Anode Primary Batteries" will be formally implemented on November 1, 2021

Author:中认联科 time:2021-08-02 Ctr:1304

On November 1, 2021, GB 24427-2021 "Restrictions on the content of mercury, cadmium and lead in zinc anode primary batteries" will be officially implemented, replacing GB 24427-2009 "Hg, cadmium, and cadmium in alkaline and non-alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries. Limitation requirements for lead content" and GB 24428-2009 "limitation requirements for mercury content in zinc-silver oxide, zinc-air, and zinc-manganese dioxide button batteries".


GB 24427-2021 stipulates the limits of mercury, cadmium and lead content in standardized zinc-manganese dioxide batteries, zinc-silver oxide batteries, and zinc-air batteries, testing methods and compliance determination requirements.

GB 24427-2021 contains many major amendments. The new standard has the following requirements for standardized mercury, cadmium, and lead limits for various types of batteries:



1. Because there are too many battery types and models, they are not listed in detail here, please refer to the original text of the standard;

2. Unstandardized zinc-silver oxide, zinc-air, and zinc-manganese dioxide batteries shall comply with the above requirements.

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